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Eligible for a tax receipt
Name and logo showcased on our robot*
Receive a shoutout on all our social media platforms
$500 - $999
Eligible for a tax receipt
Everything in the Copper tier
Name and logo showcased on our website and team apparel
Have your name mentioned at the FIRST competitions when our team is introduced
$1,000 - $4,999
Eligible for a tax receipt
Everything in the Bronze tier
Come and meet our team
Receive our team shirt or hoodie signed by the team
Have your name and logo displayed in our pit at the FIRST competitions
$5,000 - $9,999
Eligible for a tax receipt
Everything in the Silver tier
Upon request we will come and do a presentation at your company
Receive an invitation to come watch us compete at competitions
Eligible for a tax receipt
Everything in the Gold tier
Receive a plaque recognizing the generous contributions you have made to support our team
*The higher the tier you choose to donate with the larger and more prominently your logo will be on our robot